Getting Relief from Dry Skin in Winter

It is winter time again, and for many people that means dealing with dry and cracked skin.

Many insurance companies are not covering dermatological products, and with copay prices being so high, finding relief can be an expensive task.

Dermatologist Dr. Madhavi Kandula brought several different products to the Fox 2 studio this morning with several over-the-counter remedies that will not break the bank.

Tips for dealing with dry or scaly skin during winter months:

1) Dry, flaky scalp: Wash with medicated shampoo such as Denorex or Neutrogena T/sal and add Scalpicin Extra Strength daily to treat.

2) Dry, cracked lips and split corners of the the mouth: This is a condition known as Perleche. caused by the acids in saliva that break down the skin and then yeast grows in the corners. use a combination of cortisone 10 and Lotrimin to treat.

3) Dry cracked/split fingers: use liquid bandaid, follow with cortisone 10 and then follow with Aquaphor or Vaseline and put gloves or socks on hands. O’keeffes also has great reviews.

4) Dry, cracked feet: Use a combination of Amlactin ultra and Aquaphor and put socks on.
